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Tick Battle Continues: 5 Key Ways to Help Avoid Disease this Summer

There are more ticks in more places than ever before. Tick encounter rates are soaring, and news reports warn that 2012 is expected to bring epic risks for Lyme disease transmission. Tick

Here are 5 key ways to keep yourself and family protected throughout the tick-infested summer months:

"T" - Remove Ticks Safely

To safely remove attached ticks, first disinfect the area with an alcohol swab. Next, using a pointy tweezer, grab the tick "head" as close to the skin as possible and simply pull straight out. Remember to disinfect the bite site again after pulling the tick out.

"I" - Encourage Daily Tick Checks

The best time to do a full body tick check is right after ending outdoor activity. A more convenient time would be as you prepare to shower or bathe before going to bed. Prompt removal of most species of ticks can prevent transmission of tick-borne pathogens. It takes more than 24-36 hrs of attachment for nymphal deer ticks to transmit Lyme disease bacteria, and even longer to transmit Babesia parasites.

"C" Wear Insect Shield® Tick Repellent Clothing

Insect Shield's EPA-registered technology converts clothing and gear into effective and convenient insect protection. The repellency is long-lasting and appropriate for use by the entire family with no restrictions for use.

"K" Identify and Avoid Tick Habitats

Shady, wooded and weedy edges are favorite spots for ticks to hang out. Avoiding tick habitats can be difficult but there are plenty of ways - such as always walking in the middle of maintained trails - to limit tick encounters.

For more information, click here.

Source: InsectShield

Posted June 20, 2012