Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy for the Injured Athlete: How Much Pain Is Okay Before Return to Sports?

Following a sports injury, athletes, parents, and coaches usually look to the medical professionals involved in an athlete's care to decide when an athlete can return to play, and how much residual pain is acceptable. Here's how a physical therapist evaluates pain over the course of an athlete's treatment and recovery.

Physical Therapy for an Injured Athlete: Pain To Pressure, Not Pain and Torture

Part of the reason athletes often think of PT as standing for "pain and torture" is because physical therapists employ a technique called "pressure to pain" to help them figure out how healing is progressing.  

Physical Therapy for the Injured Athlete: Treating the Athlete, Not the MRI

The three most important things a parent should know about an MRI when they talk to a physical therapist are not to be afraid to ask questions, not to dwell on the risk of surgery, and to know that the PT treats the patient, not the MRI.

Physical Therapy for the Injured Athlete: Why Body Symmetry Is So Important

Body symmetry is important because poor balance of such things as muscle tightness, stretch, bone length, pelvic rotation, and scapular positioning increases risk of injury and can hurt performance. 

Physical Therapy for the Injured Athlete: Joint Mobility vs. Stability

Finding the optimal balance between mobility and stability is crucial during the rehabilitation process.   Restoring normal joint mobility and stability before an athlete returns to play is important for performance and in reducing the risk of future injury. 

Physical Therapy for the Injured Athlete: Restoring Range of Motion Critical

Restoring full range of motion to a joint should be achieved early in physical therapy as playing sports with restricted range of motion increases injury risk and negatively effects athletic performance.

Physical Therapy for The Injured Athlete: Each Session Has Five Parts

Every physical therapy sessiont can be broken down into five basic parts: subjective, objective, treatments, assessment, and plan

Physical Therapy Starts With Good History and Thorough Physical Exam

Physical therapist Patricia Ladis takes a holistic approach to injury treatment which starts at the first visit with the taking of a good history and a thorough physical exam, not only to test for swelling, strength and range of motion, but to determine whether other parts of the body were injured. 

Surgical Repair of Medial Meniscus Tears: Don't Walk Until Given Okay By Doctor

Tears to the medial meniscus require surgical repair, but the repaired meniscus can easily be torn with only small amounts of pressure, so allowing it to fully heal after surgery before walking is critical for a full recovery.
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