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Rawlings Football Helmet Contest!


Could your football program use some brand new helmets for the 2013 season? To celebrate the release of our new high school football concussion documentary, "The Smartest Team" (and to encourage stakeholders to watch the film), MomsTEAM is running a contest in which the winning program will get 38 brand new, 2012 Rawlings adult football helmets just like the ones seen in the film. 

Brad Davis wearing Rawlings football helmet

We are giving away 38 brand-new helmets (19 medium IMPULSEA-R-89  and 19 large IMPULSEA-R-90, Royal Blue** Rawlings helmets with black facemasks. The helmets received 4 stars in the 2013 Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings and sell for $170+ each at retail. That's over $6,500 worth of helmets!

Entry Rules

Here's how to enter:

  1. Buy one or more copies of The Smartest Team DVD on Amazon, from our favorite independent book store or via digital download.
  2. Watch the documentary.
  3. Explain in 250 words or less, what steps you most  hope your football program will be taking during the 2013 to reduce the risk of concussions utilizing the Six Pillars of Concussion Risk Management Program discussed in The Smartest Team. Be sure to include the name of your football program, contact information, including e-mail, and where the helmets, if your entry is selected as the winner, should be shipped.
  4. Send proof of purchase and essay to MomsTEAM.com, Inc., Suite 288, 60 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742, Attention: Helmet Contest.

MomsTEAM will select a winner from eligible entries postmarked before 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 2013 which, in the sole judgment of MomsTEAM, best shows a committment to making high school football safer and to the Six Pillars approach. 

Brady Davis with Rawlings helmet

Important note: Programs may submit as many entries as you buy separate copies of The Smartest Team DVD (or a digital download), and as long as each entry is supported by a separate proof of purchase.  

Helmets will be shipped to the winning program so that they arrive before August 7, 2013. We will split the cost of shipping. .

If you have questions, please e-mail them to info@MomsTEAM.com, and put "CONTEST" in the subject line

Good luck! 

**If royal blue isn't your team's colors, the helmets can be inexpensively repainted by your program's helmet reconditioner. 

Posted April 15, 2013