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Youth Sports Concussion Safety Laws: Oregon

Oregon's youth concussion safety law provides for:
  • Annual training. School coaches must receive annual training before the beginning of the season in learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion and how to seek proper medical treatment of players suspected of having suffered a concussion.
  • No same day return to play if a player:
    • exhibits concussion signs or symptoms consistent with a concussion following an observed or suspected blow to the head or body (note: it is a myth that a direct blow to the head is required; for this and other concussion myths, click here) or
    • has been diagnosed with a concussion
  • Return to play rules: a player may not return to play until:
    • the day after the blow to the head or body AND
    • the player is symptom free (e.g. no longer exhibiting signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with concussion; AND
    • as provided the coach a medical release form from a health care professional.

Posted March 13, 2011