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Bicycle Safety Tips

Helmets. Purchasing a bike helmet and getting your child to wear it on each ride is one of the most important things you can do for your growing child. Like childproofing your home or making sure she is buckled into a car safety seat, making bike helmet use a habit is a critical safety measure.

Caught In The Intensity Web and Experiencing "Tunnel Vision" On the Soccer Sidelines

Tunnel vision is the state where a parent loses his or her ability to see the whole picture of the youth sports contest they are watching. Instead of being able to think about different alternatives for handling a situation based upon experience and good judgment, the parent starts to think there are only a few ways to respond the intensity of the moment. Tunnel vision often causes parents to take a difficult situation personally and believe they have to respond forcefully to defend their honor, or the honor of their team or family.

Replacing Athletic Shoes Recommended Even If No Signs of Excessive Wear

Because the mid-sole material of an athletic shoe takes a pounding and eventually loses its ability to provide your child's foot with adequate support or cushioning, experts, such as Dr. Michael Lowe, past President of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, and long time team podiatrist of the NBA's Utah Jazz, recommend periodic replacement of athletic shoes, even if the bottom sole shows no sign of excessive wear.

What To Look For In An In-Line Skate

Here are the features to look for when buying in-line skates...

What To Look For In An In-Line Skate

Here are the features to look for when buying in-line skates...

Tips On Buying Bike Helmets

Here are what experts, including the Consumer Federation of America?s child safety website, recommend when buying a bike helmet for your child...

Tips On Buying Bike Helmets

Here are what experts, including the Consumer Federation of America?s child safety website, recommend when buying a bike helmet for your child...

Tips On Buying Bike Helmets

Here are what experts, including the Consumer Federation of America?s child safety website, recommend when buying a bike helmet for your child...

Tips On Buying Bike Helmets

Here are what experts, including the Consumer Federation of America?s child safety website, recommend when buying a bike helmet for your child...

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