Roller Hockey Center
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Roller Hockey: a game resembling ice hockey played on a hard surface by players wearing roller skates and using hockey sticks and a small ball.
Roller hockey is a fast, competitive game that is enjoyed by both children and adults alike. There are many local club and intra-mural teams available around the country; however, USA Roller Sports (USARS) is recognized by the Federation Internationale de Roller Skating (FIRS) as the National Governing Body for Competitive Roller Sports in the United States.
Like ice hockey, roller hockey is a contact sport. It is similar to ice hockey in that team work, skill and aggressiveness are needed. However, as a member of the USARS hockey program, there are leagues available to fit your child's skill and intensity level.
MomsTeam's goal is to provide comprehensive information on roller hockey: advice on the equipment needed and how to buy it, a primer on the rules of the sport, and videos and advice from experts, parents, and manufacturers of roller hockey gear.
But to do that we are going to need your help. If you are a parent of a child who plays or has played roller hockey, we hope you will share what you have learned with other MomsTeam parents. Please consider writing a blog, contributing an article, posting on and/or hosting a Forum, or becoming a roller hockey expert. If you know of someone who used to play or coach roller hockey who has knowledge to share, ask him or her to join. Together we can make MomsTeam a true community of sports parents!
-Brooke de Lench - MomsTeam Founder