College Recruiting

Playing for the Right Team: Less Important Than Committment to Sport and Love Of Game

Does playing for the right team, club or high school guarantee getting recruited for college is a question all parents of elite athletes end up facing sometime along the way as their children continue their growth as athletes.

The answer is simply no.  An athlete definitely has to play the sport they love with a commitment to being the best they can be. This can be accomplished at all levels of clubs, but the important thing is that the athlete be competitive with other top players. There is no need to jump from club to club.

Playing for the right team, club or high school doesn't guarantee getting recruited for college. It is more important that an athlete enjoy the team and loves to practice and play.

What Landon Collins' Mother Understood That Her Son Didn't Say

The video clip of Landon Collins went viral almost instantly, not to mention setting the blog- and Twitter-sphere ablaze.

There was the nation's top ranked high school safety announcing his decision to attend the University of Alabama during the Under Armour All-America Game three weeks ago, while his mom, April Justin, looked on with a pained expression on her face, shaking her head in disapproval of his choice.

The video of April Justin's disappointment when her son Landon Collins announced his decision to attend the University of Alabama to play football has provoked a mostly negative reaction in the blog- and Twitter-sphere, but perhaps, says Brooke de Lench, there is another side to the story, one which explains why she reacted the way she did.

Back to School Recruiting Checklist for High School Student-Athletes

The start of a new school year is an important time for high school athletes who want to play college sports.  For recruiting success, every student-athlete needs to follow a game plan to stay on track. Here's a four-year road map.

The Campus Visit: Advice for Parents

Visiting college campuses is a great thing for young athletes to do. A recruiting visit is an athlete's one real chance to investigate the school and the team.

College Recruiting: How Your Child Can Market Himself To College Coaches

Most high school athletes and their parents have never been through the college recruiting process.  Your child can roll the dice and hope the right coaches contact him, or he can grab the bull by the horns and make recruiting work in his favor.  Here's how.

5 Common College Recruiting Mistakes

As someone who's been through the college recruiting process and as a coach who works with high school aged athletes that are currently going through the college recruiting process, there are a few fundamental mistakes I see families making again and again. In this audio I share these common mistakes in hopes that you'll be able to avoid them. Also included in this free audio resource are answers to 5 Frequently Asked College Recruiting Questions. Hope this helps!

25 College Recruiting Facts

The college athletic recruiting process, while an exciting time, can be quite overwhelming, frustrating, and complicated. It can also end in serious disappointment and regret if you’re not well informed. Many people, even those who’ve already been through the process, don’t have the information needed to make the most of the experience.

Here are 25 college recruiting facts you may not be aware of.

Great College Recruiting Article on MomsTeam Website

In keeping with the general purpose of this blog, I wanted to direct attention to a piece I found here on the MomsTeam website  by Lucy Ferris titled "College Recruiting for the Elite Athlete." This article has special meaning to many of my blog posts because of where it places much of its emphasis. It is not just an article on college recruiting of elite level athletes (even though there is a wealth of information on that topic) but details a very important aspect of sports participation I fully endorse. In her article Ms. Ferris discusses how important emphasizing the “process” and “journey” over the “outcome” is and how it needs to remain a priority for parents and young athletes involved in sports.

College Recruiting for the Elite Athlete

Sooner or later, as the parent of a star athlete, you are going to hear about the "edge" your child supposedly has over the competition for college admission. Whether the end of the rainbow holds a pot-of-gold scholarship from a Division I school or admission to an Ivy League college, sports success carries more weight, on average, in college admissions and non-need-based scholarship awards than being the son or daughter of an alumnus/ae or a member of a minority.


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