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SmartTeams™ Talk: Urine Color Good Indicator of Child's Hydration Status, Especially Useful For Younger Kids

The younger a child is the less likely they are to drink to thirst, says pediatric sports medicine doctor, Jim MacDonald of Nationwide Children's Hospital. Urine color gives parents a good idea of their hydration status.

SmartTeams™ Talk: Overuse Injuries: Free Play, Conditioning and Rest Are Keys to Prevention

The three keys to minimizing overuse injuries, says a pediatric sports medicine doctor, are to let kids play without adult supervision, make sure they get in shape before sports season, and get rest and a break from sports.

SmartTeams™ Talk: Does Child's Doctor Know How Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Differs From Regular Exam?

It is important for parents to ask the doctor doing their child's pre-participation physical exam (PPE) is they can know and can articulate how it its different from a regular physical, says James MacDonald, MD, MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Family Medicine, The Ohio State University, Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. If the doctor isn't familiar with the PPE monograph, parents should consider having the PPE done by a different doctor.

SmartTeams™ Talk: Teammate Bullying In Sports: Imbalance of Power Usually Present

While bullying by a sports teammate would appear to be peer-on-peer, it still is usually the result of a perceived imbalance of power found in all bullying.

SmartTeams™ Talk: Bullying in Sports: Pro-Active Parents Needed

Parents need to be pro-active in stopping bullying of their child by a teammate or coach because of the emotional damage it can cause, including depression and even suicide, says Sophia Grant, M.D. , F.A.A.P, of Cook Children's Medical Center in Ft. Worth, Texas.

SmartTeams Talks™ - Abuse in Youth Sports: Many Forms and Surprisingly Common

Abuse in youth sports is surprisingly common, says Sophia Grant, M.D., of Cook Children's Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas, with nearly half of athletes reporting suffering some form of emotional abuse playing sports, such as name calling or yelling by fans, coaches, or parents, playing sports.

Pediatrics Group Declines To Endorse Outright Ban On Tackle Football

The American Academy of Pediatrics today endorsed efforts to limit contact practices in youth football, but declined to make a clear recommendation in favor of delaying the age at which tackling is introduced, and likewise refused to support those calling for an outright ban on tackling in football for athletes below age 18,

Chronic Under-Reporting of Concussion Symptoms By Athletes Continues Despite Increased Education and Awareness

Chronic under-reporting of concussions among high school football players continues to be a problem, despite increased awareness, education and legislation, says new research.

Study Finds Gap Persists in Awareness of Concussion Symptoms, Return-to-Play Practices Following Youth Sports Head Hits

Coaches and parents need more training on concussions to avoid making bad calls about when to let a young athlete back in the game,

Study Shows Rule Limiting Tackling During High School Football Practices Significantly Reduces Concussion Rates

Limiting the amount of full-contact tackling during high school football practices can have a big impact on reducing the number of concussions among players, new research finds.
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