All Articles by May Is Sports Moms Month

Emily Cohen (Sports Parenting Blogger): Most Important Lesson Kids Learn in Sports Is Hard Work Pays Off

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. So MomsTEAM has designated May as Sports Moms Month and is celebrating by asking some of our favorite sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions.

So far this month we have heard from a fascinating range of sports moms, from a mom of an Olympic athlete to moms who were themselves Olympic athletes, from a mom of two former minor league baseball players to a Minnesota hockey mom and author.

Today we hear from writer, MomsTEAM blogger and sports mom, Emily Cohen: Emily Cohen

A sports mom and blogger says the most important lesson her child is learning from his/her sport is that hard work pays off. If you put in the time by participating in team practices (even the optional ones) and spend time honing your skills on your own, you will improve, the coaches will notice, and you will reach your goal.  But it's critical that the desire to improve be the child's goal, not the parent's.

Marla Miller (Writer and Author): Would Parents Scream Less on Sidelines If Shoe Were On Other Foot?

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. So momsTEAM has designated May as Sports Moms Month and is celebrating by asking some of our favorite sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions.

So far this month we have heard from a fascinating range of sports moms, from a mom of an Olympic athlete to moms who were themselves Olympic athletes, from a mom of two former minor league baseball players to a Minnesota hockey mom and author.

Today, we hear from sports mom and writer, Marla Miller:

A prolific author and writer thinks that if parents were asked to play a team sport for a season themselves, they might not scream at their kids as much on the sports sideline.

Brooke de Lench (MomsTEAM founder): Proud of Role Moms Have Played In Making Youth Sports Safer

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role.  So momsTEAM has designated May as Sports Moms Month and is celebrating by asking some of our favorite sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. 

So far this month we have heard from a fascinating range of sports moms, from a mom of an Olympic athlete to moms who were themselves Olympic athletes, from a mom of two former minor league baseball players to a Minnesota hockey mom and author.

For Mother's Day, we hear from MomsTEAM's founder and publisher, Brooke de Lench:

On Mother's Day, the founder and publisher of MomsTEAM pauses to reflect on the role she and mothers everywhere have played in making sports safer for the nation's children.

Shaquille O'Neal's Mom, Lucille: Parenting Student-Athlete Most Rewarding Aspect of Being Sports Mom

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role.  So momsTEAM has designated May as Sports Moms Month and is celebrating by asking some of our favorite sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions.

So far this month we have heard from a mom of an Olympic athlete, two sports moms who were themselves Olympic athletes (one a gold medalist), an award-winning health and safety reporter for the Chicago Tribune, the mom of two former minor league baseball players,  a mom and writer from Texas with a football-crazy son and cheerleader daughter, a Minnesota hockey mom and author, and a top sports nutritionist.

Lucille O'Neal, the mom of former NBA great Shaquille O'Neal, tells Brooke de Lench, MomsTEAM founder and publisher, about her work with the Boys and Girls Club and Kimberly Clark, what she learned as a sports mom from her three sports-active children.

Sports Nutritionist Nancy Clark: Would Ban Youth Sports On Sunday Mornings

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role.  So momsTEAM has designated May as Sports Moms Month and is celebrating by asking some of our favorite sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. 

So far this month we have heard from a mom of an Olympic athlete, two sports moms who were themselves Olympic athletes (one a gold medalist), an award-winning health and safety reporter for the Chicago Tribune, the mom of two former minor league baseball players,  a mom and writer from Texas with a football-crazy son and cheerleader daughter, and a Minnesota hockey mom and author.

An internationally-recognized sports nutritionist and best-selling author imagines a world in which youth sports would only be played on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings, and Sunday mornings would be sports-free.

Meagan Frank: Job As Hockey Mom To Provide Unconditional Support

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.

Today we hear from Meagan Frank, a hockey mom of three, soccer coach, and writer.


momsTEAM: Were you an athlete and what sports did you play as a youth (under 19)?

A hockey mom, soccer coach, and writer says that if she could flip a switch about anything having to do with youth sports, she would make it accessible to any child who wanted to play, and would find a way to make every decision be about providing a positive sports experience for all kids.

Pam Carey (Minor League Mom): Youth Athletes Shouldn't Be Treated As Pros

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.

Today we hear from Pam Carey, mom of two former minor league baseball players and author of Minor League Mom:

momsTEAM: Were you an athlete and what sports did you play as a youth (under 19)?

The mother of two former minor league baseball players says one of the biggest things she would like to see changed in youth sports is coaches treating middle school and high school athletes as if they were professionals.

Gretchen Rose: Seeing Children Achieve Sports Goals Is Priceless

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.

A sports mom and business owner from Dallas says that, although the days may be long, the reward from seeing the look of true accomplishment and joy on a child's face when they achieve their goals in sports is priceless.

Journalist Julie Deardorff: Modeling Healthy Lifestyle For Kids Is Key

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.

Today we hear from one of momsTEAM's favorite journalists, Julie Deardorff, a health reporter and consumer watchdog for the Chicago Tribune, avid cyclist, and sports mom:

An award-winning health journalist and sports mom says the biggest lesson she has learned from her five-year-old son is not to push him to sports: if he wants to dig holes or play with trucks instead of kicking a soccer ball, she's okay with that.

Olympic Cyclist Erin Mirabella: Sports Provide Building Blocks For Future Success

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends. 

Today we hear from Erin Mirabella, a two-time Olympic track cyclist, stay-at-home mom of three, children's book author and momsTEAM blogger and writer. 

A two-time Olympic track cyclist and mother of three pre-schoolers talks about how sports is providing them the building blocks for future success, helping them learn to gracefully handle winning and losing, competition, and develop self-confidence, social skills, and appreciate the value of hard work.